Stoutella - Knee Deep Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 10th, 2021  


Chocolate Stout
6.00% ABV


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Stoutella from Knee Deep Brewing Company
4.7 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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Man are we glad Knee Deep started canning and distributing this one. Only available on draught previously, Stoutella pours a dark brown with a thin, tan head. Plainly put, it smells like Nutella and toast. The mouthfeel is medium and the carbonation is on the high side, making a pleasant bite on your tongue. It tastes like dessert, but it's well reserved in its sweetness. Toasted hazelnuts and dark cocoa are the main feature here, with a strong roasty malt backbone. It's not complex, but it sure is delicious. It tastes great out of the can, but we recommend pouring it into a glass to get it to really open up.


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