Shower Beer (Champion Brewing Company) - Champion Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Aug 17th, 2020  
Shower Beer (Champion Brewing Company)


4.50% ABV - 35 IBU


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Shower Beer (Champion Brewing Company) from Champion Brewing Company
3.2 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: The Gold Standard
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Shower Beer is an incredibly clear golden yellow color with a pure white, soapy, bubble bath-like head. A small but steady stream of tiny champagne-like bubbles lets you know the beer is adequately carbonated. It has a classic European pilsner aroma with mild barley and corn. The flavor is light and crisp with a simple malt profile and an earthy Bavarian hops in the aftertaste that lend a touch of pepper spice. This has a little more hops than you would expect for the style. Whether you drink this beer in the shower or not, it's certainly a good warm-up beer at the start of the night or a great cool-down beer in the middle of a hot day.


JM562's Photo
JM562 Jul 17, 2017 at 5:46PM
Once a week I have a shower beer (literally) and it has completely changed my life.

Cschork's Photo
Cschork Aug 17, 2020 at 12:06PM
Where can we find this

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