Vallis Aurea - Ladyface Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jul 20th, 2017  
Vallis Aurea


Belgian Ale
Golden Ale
6.80% ABV


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Vallis Aurea from Ladyface Brewery
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: The Gold Standard
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Vallis Aurea pours a light copper, almost amber color, clear for the style. It has a very thin but fizzy head. The aroma is quite strong with some Belgian qualities and a fair amount of alcohol burn, letting you know this is a strong beer. The flavor is exactly as advertised by the aroma with a lot of Brett noticeable on the initial sip followed by an oaky, warming booziness. This is chased by a slight honey sweetness in the aftertaste that helps prevent any kick. Ours was bottled in 2015 and it appears to have been limited in its release. So if you or your friend have a bottle stashed away somewhere, it's best to get a group together and give it a shot.


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