Allagash Black - Allagash Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 1st, 2019  
Allagash Black


Belgian Ale
7.50% ABV


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Allagash Black from Allagash Brewing Company
3.6 out of 5 based on 5 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: All About the Stout
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Allagash Black is an interesting twist on the Belgian style. While the pour isn't as dark as its name implies, the chestnut color is dark for a Belgian-style ale. On the aroma it retains many classic Belgian qualities such as the bready yeast, cinnamon and raisin. The taste follows suit except for the one unusual difference: the malts are dark and roasted with a slightly smoky quality. This isn't enough to move the beer into the stout category, but it does lend it some stout qualities.


RexMundi's Photo
RexMundi Aug 6, 2017 at 1:13PM
Love this beer. I can't get it in Colorado, so my cousin in Maine sends it to me.

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