Allagash House Beer - Allagash Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Jan 16th, 2020  
Allagash House Beer


Belgian Ale
4.50% ABV


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Allagash House Beer from Allagash Brewing Company
4.5 out of 5 based on 4 ratings.
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Allagash House Beer is a light Belgian-style ale that is only available at the brewery. It pours a slightly hazy, golden straw color with a thin, bubbly head, but one that sticks around. The aroma is really nice and inviting with Belgian yeast, fruit, and perhaps some clove or pepper. Taste has some yeast and light bread and doughy malt flavors. Hops are subtle but still noticeable, providing some citrus and pine flavors. Light bodied but well carbonated with a dry mouthfeel. This has a clean finish that is both crisp and refreshing. On its own this is an exceptional beer, but it would also serve as the perfect warm up beer before you jump into the stronger beers from Allagash.


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