Hogwaller Scramble - Champion Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 13th, 2023  
Hogwaller Scramble


Coffee Stout
8.00% ABV - 45 IBU


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Hogwaller Scramble from Champion Brewing Company
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: The Dark and the Pale
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Hogwaller Scramble pours a ton of thick, foamy, light brown head that cascades down into a nearly black color. The aroma is reminiscent of mint chocolate chip ice cream and a hint of maple syrup to add to the breakfast feel. The flavor starts with dark roasted malts, mild herbal hops and transitions into coffee and, finally, chocolate in the aftertaste. This is a moderate to full bodied beer with a chalky mouthfeel and smooth carbonation. A mint characteristic adds a cooling effect to the whole experience.


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