Plum Drunk - Sonoma Springs Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 12th, 2023  
Plum Drunk


Belgian-style Tripel
10.50% ABV


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Plum Drunk from Sonoma Springs Brewing Co.
5.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a cloudy burnt orange with thin white head that recedes to a thin but full layer over the glass. Laces beautifully. Aroma is almost all oak barrel. Taste is complex and dry, but there is a plum fruitiness and depth with rye and bourbon. Not much sweetness but it's not needed, it's balanced and tart with a Belgian yeast coming in towards the end to make it bready, almost like toast with jelly on top. Mouth feel is medium to heavy with medium carbonation. It finishes with that slight alcohol warmth. For all the alcohol flavor we can taste it honestly doesn't seem like a 10.5% beer. It's smooth and balanced, hiding the alcohol content well.


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