Infinite Void Imperial Stout - New Glory Craft Brewery - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 22nd, 2024  
Infinite Void Imperial Stout


Imperial Stout
14.00% ABV


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Infinite Void Imperial Stout from New Glory Craft Brewery
3.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Infinite Void pours thick and dark brown, with very little chocolate colored head that dissipates immediately to a thin film. Its smell is pretty straightforward - like molasses and booze. First sip is really pleasant, starting with some caramel and honey with a roasty chocolate creaminess. Second sip builds on the first, adding a molasses thickness and a roasty but subtle coffee that continues to build. It's a full bodied beer that keeps getting thicker the more you drink, with a low to middle carbonation. The alcohol is well hidden, and although it's not sweet, it's on the syrupy side.


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