Chocolate Flippin Good - New Glory Craft Brewery - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 23rd, 2017  
Chocolate Flippin Good


Brown Ale
9.70% ABV


What did you think of it? Never Tried It
Chocolate Flippin Good from New Glory Craft Brewery
4.3 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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Chocolate Flippin Good pours a muddy looking dark brown that's dark but somehow you can see the haze. The thin white head disappears immediately, barely leaving a trace. The aroma is intense. It's breakfast and dessert rolled into one, with maple syrup taking the lead and a mild chocolatey cream aroma bringing up the rear. The taste is really complex - we picked up maple syrup, a really nice eggy and buttery breadiness like French toast, caramelized sugar with a touch of vanilla like a creme brulee, a sugary chocolate puff with cream, and cinnamon. The mouthfeel is almost creamy but it still has good carbonation. Coming in at 9.7%, it's a hefty pint but well worth it.


cantaloop's Photo
cantaloop Sep 23, 2017 at 3:06PM
So glad this brewery is in Sacramento. This beer is impressive.

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