Backroad Vanilla Porter - Klamath Basin Brewing Co. - The Creamery Brew Pub And Grill - Beer of the Day.

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  May 7th, 2016  
Backroad Vanilla Porter


Vanilla Porter
6.70% ABV


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Backroad Vanilla Porter from Klamath Basin Brewing Co. - The Creamery Brew Pub And Grill
4.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Backroad Vanilla Porter presents a mahogany brown color, not super dark, with a light amount of off-white head. There is a distinct smell of brown sugar followed by vanilla as the aroma fades away. The flavor is malt forward. It starts off sweet and then a wave of dark toasted malts and an ashy bitterness comes through and prevents the sweetness from becoming overwhelming, a delicate balance. The mouthfeel is creamy and it is light-bodied for a porter. If you are taking the backroads through southern Oregon, see if you can find this one.


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