Graham Cracker Porter - Denver Beer Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 23rd, 2022  
Graham Cracker Porter


5.60% ABV


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Graham Cracker Porter from Denver Beer Co.
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Fall Back Grab Bag
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The Graham Cracker Porter pours a dark brown, nearly black color. Head is creamy and khaki colored, thick with nice lacing left on the glass. Aroma has quite a bit of malt and what smells like lactose. Tastes a bit like a Milk Stout because of the lactose or vanilla flavors. Malt-forward, lots of dark chocolate, coffee, and molasses. Earthy hops and bit of spice - maybe cinnamon or chicory. And there's a hint of smoke. Medium to heavy body for this style. Some honey sweetness on the back-end but the graham cracker flavor isn't overwhelming. This is an enjoyable beer with complex flavors of coffee, chocolate, dark malt, lactose, spices and honey that is perfect for this time of year.


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