Noche Dulce - Borderlands Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  May 9th, 2024  
Noche Dulce


Vanilla Porter
7.30% ABV - 15 IBU


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Noche Dulce from Borderlands Brewing Co.
3.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Noche Dulce pours a dark brownish black color with a thick, tan colored head. It has many robust flavors, but the Mexican vanilla is an ingredient that we really enjoy in this beer. Complemented by burnt malts, chocolate, cocoa, and coffee, the vanilla offers some upfront sweetness that balances out the traditional porter flavors. It has fairly low carbonation with a smooth and sticky mouthfeel. Props to Borderlands Brewing Co. for a unique and tasty vanilla porter.


cantaloop's Photo
cantaloop May 9, 2016 at 3:26PM
I need to try this beer!

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