Tusk & Grain: Bourbon Barrel Aged Coconut Stout - Saint Archer Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day.

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  Jan 19th, 2017  
Tusk & Grain: Bourbon Barrel Aged Coconut Stout


Imperial Stout
13.40% ABV


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Tusk & Grain: Bourbon Barrel Aged Coconut Stout from Saint Archer Brewing Co.
4.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Happy New Beer!
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The Tusk and Grain BBA Coconut Stout pours a really dark brown color, about as dark as a beer can get. It has a very light, wispy, cream-colored head. Hints of dark chocolate, coffee, toffee, bourbon and coconut blend together for an outstanding aroma, worth the price of the beer alone. The flavor is reminiscent of Kahlua, with coffee and nutty amaretto flavors with vanilla and hints of coconut as well. It has a creamy mouthfeel, and the 13.4% alcohol warms you up, but the barrel-aging has smoothed this beer out like silk. This is definitely one you should try to get your hands on.


jhmiller's Photo
jhmiller Jan 7, 2017 at 3:28AM
Incredible beer... the best I've had in 2017!

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