Spencer Trappist Ale - Spencer Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 21st, 2021  
Spencer Trappist Ale


Belgian Ale
6.50% ABV


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Spencer Trappist Ale from Spencer Brewery
3.2 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Color is golden amber, somewhat murky and turbid in appearance, with one finger of white, foamy head. Aroma is inviting, with Belgian yeast, some spice, and herbal, earthy notes. The taste is pretty good, with blonde ale qualities at its core, complemented by hints of banana, clove, and light malty sweetness. We pick up on vanilla and berry as well. Hops are light, but there is an herbal undertone. Medium body and mellow carbonation, with a smooth mouthfeel. Finishes dry, with a long, lingering tail. Spencer is America’s first Trappist brewery, and they are making traditional ales that has us interested in trying a few more of their offerings.


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