Eddy Flower - Kern River Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 29th, 2022  
Eddy Flower


Triple IPA
11.60% ABV


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Eddy Flower from Kern River Brewing Company
2.8 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Eddy Flower is a Triple IPA that clocks in at 11.6% ABV. The color is golden amber with a thick, two finger head. Creamy, off-white, with lots of lacing left on the glass. Aroma of tropical fruit. Taste is malty up front, but then turns hoppy with both citrus and tropical fruit. Sticky mouthfeel that melts off the tongue. A bit boozy, but hey, it's 11.6%. Full bodied with nice bitterness for the style.


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