Pine'Hop'Le - Evolution Craft Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  May 30th, 2019  


Fruit/Vegetable Beer
India Pale Ale (IPA)
6.80% ABV - 65 IBU


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Pine'Hop'Le from Evolution Craft Brewing Company
3.7 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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Pours a clear color between pale amber and medium amber with lots of carbonation bubbles flowing up from the bottom. Head is off-white and creamy, about a finger thick, long lasting with ample lacing. Unique aroma for this style; like pineapple candy. Taste is fruity and juicy, dominated by tropical fruit, although we get a lot of different fruit, not just the pineapple. Mango, papaya, tangerine, and even some cherry. There's a malt, fruity sweetness throughout, but it especially accumulates on the back end. Mouthfeel is sticky with a lot of mouthcoating. Some pine bitterness shows up late, which balances out with the sweetness. A bit different but enjoyable as long as you like the fruity, juicy style IPAs.


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