Lot No. 3 IPA
What did you think of it? Never Tried ItLot No. 3 IPA pours a crystal clear, pale amber color. Lots of bubbles flow from the bottom to support one finger of off-white, foamy head. Sticky lacing covers the sides of the glass. Aroma is balanced with both hops and malt. We'd expect this to be malt forward based on the color, and there is some grainy, rye like malts right from the start. In fact, there's a spicy black pepper bite coupled with a light malty sweetness. Then it turns hoppy, with resinous pine and fresh orange and citrus. Mouthfeel is exceptional. Dry and creamy, really allowing the hops to shine. Finishes with a mild bitter grapefruit bitterness. Overall a really well done IPA that we'd love to pick up on a regular basis.
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