Oxford (2019) - Claremont Craft Ales - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  May 31st, 2019  
Oxford (2019)


Russian Imperial Stout
13.00% ABV


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Oxford (2019) from Claremont Craft Ales
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Appearance is dark brown, nearly black in color with a thin, brown, wispy head. Strong aroma dominated by the cinnamon and cocoa nibs. Taste is malt forward as you would expect for this style, with milk chocolate and roasted coffee flavors. Then some flavors of bourbon, oak, and vanilla. Light, earthy hoppiness with an accumulating molasses-like sweetness. The cinnamon spice provides a nice uniqueness in the flavor. It's front and center, but it doesn't overpower the other flavors. Mouthfeel is slick, velvety, and warming. The 13% is manageable, but this is still a big, bold, Russian Imperial Stout. Enjoyable now, but certainly worth aging for a couple years as well!


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