Trumer Pils - Trumer Brauerei Berkeley - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Oct 29th, 2017  
Trumer Pils


4.90% ABV - 26 IBU


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Trumer Pils from Trumer Brauerei Berkeley
3.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Pours a clear, yellow straw color with a ton of tiny bubbles ascending to the head that is white and bubbly. Aroma is crisp and clean, with the scent of grain and just a bit of floral and grassy hops. Taste has a Pilsner malt backbone with a hop bite that is grassy with a touch of peppery spice. Maybe some lemon or lime citrus. Clean, smooth, and refreshing with a very mild bitterness. Dry, crisp mouthfeel with high carbonation. High quality from start to finish. This is an easy drinking, true to style, flavorful beer.


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