Dragging Anchors - Monkish Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 22nd, 2019  
Dragging Anchors


4.70% ABV


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Dragging Anchors from Monkish Brewing Co.
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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A collaboration with Trillium Brewing Company, Dragging Anchors pours a slightly hazy, golden yellow color. Fizzy, white head that disappears instantly. Inviting aroma that is fruity and earthy with lots of oak barrel in the nose. On the taste, the beer is tart with an acidic punch, along with some of that farmhouse funk. Green apple, lemon, and white grape flavors stand out. Oak and wood notes from the barrel add a level of complexity. But it's super drinkable, especially at only 4.7%. The tartness mellows out as the beer warms. Highly carbonated with a dry mouthfeel and finish.


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