Little Blue Penguin - Fat Orange Cat Brew Co. - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 23rd, 2019  
Little Blue Penguin


Hazy IPA
7.70% ABV


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Little Blue Penguin from Fat Orange Cat Brew Co.
3.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Color is golden with a light to medium haze. Head is one finger thick, foamy, and white, but thins to a light film. Tropical fruit in the aroma, leading into a similar taste of passion fruit and pineapple. The Sauvignon Blanc grape juice is tamer than we expected, but there are certainly some white grape flavors that contribute to a refreshing crispness. Pale malts provide a bready, cracker-like backbone. Medium body with a dry, crisp mouthfeel. Overall this is a tasty Northeast-style IPA with a unique twist from the Sauvignon Blanc grape juice.


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