Davey Murray's Best Scotch Ale - Lagunitas Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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Davey Murray's Best Scotch Ale


Scotch Ale
9.50% ABV


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Davey Murray's Best Scotch Ale from Lagunitas Brewing Company
1.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a clear amber color with a tinge of reddish auburn and a thin cream head. Aroma is surprisingly hoppy where we were expecting more malt. Nose is mostly citrus and piney hops with a touch of caramel malt. Taste is also very hoppy - overly so - and is also overly sweet. While there's more malt backbone in the taste, it's more hop than anything, marked by a sticky, heavy booziness. It's a medium mouthfeel that feels heavier the more you let the beer warm up, and the carbonation is on the flatter side of medium. If you're expecting a nice Scotch Ale that's true to the style, you might want to look elsewhere.


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