Funky Foeder Cherry Beer - Russian River Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 25th, 2022  
Funky Foeder Cherry Beer


Sour Beer
7.00% ABV


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Funky Foeder Cherry Beer from Russian River Brewing Company
2.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Beautiful appearance that is somewhat cloudy with a reddish, brown color. One half finger of white, soapy head, and it fades quickly but leaves some lacing. Strong aroma of fruit, funk, and oak. The taste is pure cherry, wood, and some Brettanomyces-like funk. Slightly acidic and tart, not quite sour, but somewhere between tart and sour. Lots of oak and wood – the foeder impact seems to increase with each sip. Body is light with an appropriate amount of carbonation. Seems different from most other Russian River beers, yet it has a lot of nice qualities and something cherry lovers should appreciate.


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