Arctic Saison Batch #5 - Grassroots Brewing - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 19th, 2019  
Arctic Saison Batch #5


Farmhouse Ale
6.00% ABV



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Arctic Saison Batch #5 from Grassroots Brewing
4.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Fall Back Grab Bag
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This Grassroots Brewing collab between Hill Farmstead and Anchorage Brewing Co. pours a straw color with several fingers of super white, frothy head. Aroma has some classic farmhouse funk with Brettanomyces and grassy, floral hops. Taste is delicious. Less Brett in the taste than we got in the aroma, but still a nice amount of funk. Fruity taste with citrus, banana, apple, white grape, and pear. There's an earthy, herbal spice as well as oaky, wood barrel notes. Wild, natural flavors like it was made on a farm. Well balanced and complex with an effervescent mouthfeel. Highly carbonated with a dry finish that really brings out all of the various flavors. Sophisticated and complex - this is an excellent saison!


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