Boo Koo IPA
What did you think of it? Never Tried ItBoo Koo IPA pours a clear, golden yellow color with lots of fine bubbles. The head is thick, foamy, and long lasting. Mosaic hops show up in the aroma, with fresh and dank hop notes. On the taste, there's a light malt profile with some cracker and wheat. Well carbonated with a light body. Flavor is very West Coast style with plenty of lemon, grapefruit, and tangerine. And in the finish, we get herbal, tea-like flavors punctuated by a dry and bitter yet very clean finish. Overall a really nice citrus dominated IPA with plenty of flavor from such a light bodied beer.
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cantaloop Jan 7, 2016 at 10:33PM
A golden pale color with a sweet buttery hoppiness. An ever so slight smell of honey suckle adds a pleasant lightness to a beer that has a thick heavy mouth feel. A fantastic beer that I could never get tired of. Slight hints of mango and pineapple with an oily hoppi balance.Leave a Comment: