Wells Banana Bread Beer - Charles Wells - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Aug 9th, 2015  
Wells Banana Bread Beer


Fruit/Vegetable Beer
5.20% ABV


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Wells Banana Bread Beer from Charles Wells
3.4 out of 5 based on 4 ratings.
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Wells Banana Bread Beer is the liquid equivalent of eating fresh banana bread out of the oven. It's light and yeasty with a definite banana flavor. The aroma is sweet, slightly nutty and fruity, and the color is a very light, clear amber. The head pours thin and tan and dissipates pretty quickly. Overall, it's true to its name - if you like banana bread and you like beer, chances are you won't have too much of a problem drinking Wells Banana Bread Beer.


gabrielkimbrough's Photo
gabrielkimbrough Aug 9, 2015 at 3:53PM
Good with some homemade banana bread.

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