Young's Double Chocolate Stout - Charles Wells - Beer of the Day.

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  May 3rd, 2023  
Young's Double Chocolate Stout


Chocolate Stout
5.00% ABV


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Young's Double Chocolate Stout from Charles Wells
3.2 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Double Chocolate Stout pours nearly black, letting very little light through. A nice thick, tan colored head sticks around to the last drop. The aroma is very chocolate forward with malt and hints of cream and vanilla. The mouthfeel is light for a stout, and the carbonation is a little lacking, making for a slight thinness that leaves you wanting it a bit, well, more stout. The taste is bittersweet chocolate and a nice, roasty malt bitter finish that balances well. There's a slight milky dairy aftertaste that builds as you continue to sip through the bottle. It's not a stout stout, so it's great for those who are looking for a nice, well balanced, super drinkable and enjoyable chocolate stout without getting scared.


phil's Photo
phil Jul 4, 2018 at 12:50PM
Amazing drink found it in a bar in Moscow

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