SD Besties - Belching Beaver Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 22nd, 2022  
SD Besties


Imperial Stout
Milk Stout
8.50% ABV


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SD Besties from Belching Beaver Brewery
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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SD Besties pours a thick, viscous, near-black color with a brown head that dissipates quickly with little lacing. Aroma is surprisingly strawberry forward with chocolate and cream. It's thick with a medium mouthfeel. Taste is heavy chocolate and roasted malts, but it is as advertised with subsequent sips revealing vanilla and strawberry for the Neapolitan trifecta. Carbonation is low which makes it seem more viscous that it actually is. It finishes bittersweet and toastyalts linger on your palate.


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