Viking Space Probe - Stone Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Feb 16th, 2020  
Viking Space Probe


Double/Imperial IPA
8.50% ABV - 80 IBU


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Viking Space Probe from Stone Brewing Co.
4.1 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Space Probe pours a golden orange color, cloudy, with lots of particles floating around in the beer. The head is a finger thick, white, fluffy, and leaves nice lacing on the glass. Fantastic aroma of tropical fruit, melon, and marshmallow or vanilla. Taste is juicy, fruity, and hoppy with a nice combination of guava, pineapple, stone fruit, and melon. There’s a mild sweetness in the background that balances out the big hop flavors. It’s not light in any way, but the 8.5% abv is very drinkable, as the malts provide a soft, creamy mouthfeel and there’s a pretty tame bitterness for a beer from Stone. We were impressed with this beer and would look to pick this up again.


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