Cantrip Kolsch - Bottle Logic Brewing - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 17th, 2020  
Cantrip Kolsch


4.50% ABV


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Cantrip Kolsch from Bottle Logic Brewing
3.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Color is golden straw and super clear with ½ finger of frothy white head that dissipates pretty quickly. Grain-forward, pilsner malt aroma. The taste is crisp and refreshing, with plenty of bready malt flavors, plus a light amount of floral hops. A hint of bitterness comes through from those hops. The body is light and crisp, and mouthfeel is lighter and less creamy that many in this category. We love the Kölsch style, and Cantrip is a perfect summertime, thirst-quenching beer.


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