Siempre Explorando! - Bottle Logic Brewing - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 13th, 2021  
Siempre Explorando!


Mexican Lager
4.90% ABV


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Siempre Explorando! from Bottle Logic Brewing
5.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a very clear, golden straw color with lots of ascending carbonation bubbles. The head is about a finger thick, white, and frothy. Pleasant aroma of pilsner malt, yeast, and a touch of lime. The taste is superb. Malt-forward with cracker, dough, corn, and a light sweetness. Although this version isn’t the one made with limes, we do get a touch of lemon or lime citrus. Some floral flavors, otherwise, the hops are light, and there’s no bitterness. Excellent mouthfeel for a lager, with a soft, pillowy silkiness. Light to medium body with delicate carbonation. Clean and refreshing, with a long, lingering finish. From start to finish, this is a perfect Mexican-style lager.


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