Toaster Pastry - 21st Amendment Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Oct 15th, 2015  
Toaster Pastry


India Red Ale (IRA)
7.60% ABV - 74 IBU


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Toaster Pastry from 21st Amendment Brewery
3.6 out of 5 based on 4 ratings.
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Toaster Pastry, which is brewed in a building that used to produce the most famous toaster pastry, the Pop Tart, is a dark red-orange color with a light tan head that lasts a while. The aroma consists of a light bready malt smell with some hoppy grapefruit and pine. The taste has a fruity citrus hop flavor with a backbone of earthy malts that finishes with some citrus bitterness. There are hints of toaster pastry qualities, but luckily, not too much.


cantaloop's Photo
cantaloop Oct 15, 2015 at 6:02PM
Gotta get one..gotta get one...gotta get one.

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