Tendril - Proclamation Ale Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Aug 20th, 2020  


Hazy IPA
7.00% ABV


What did you think of it? Never Tried It
Tendril from Proclamation Ale Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Tendril pours a hazy, golden color with two fingers of white, foamy head that leaves quite a bit of sticky lacing on the glass. Aroma is hoppy, with an interesting combination of melon and herbal notes. Taste follows the nose, with cantaloupe at first, but then it turns to bright citrus and pine. Soft carbonation with a medium body. Mouthfeel is crisp and clean, not super juicy. Some grapefruit bitterness in the finish. This is mostly Northeast in style, but some hints of West Coast show up as well. We haven’t had too many beers from Rhode Island, but this one is certainly worth picking up.


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