Stimulus - Eagle Rock Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 11th, 2016  


Belgian Ale
Coffee Beer
7.00% ABV


What did you think of it? Never Tried It
Stimulus from Eagle Rock Brewery
4.0 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Turn Your Head and Coffee
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Where most coffee beers generally fall into the stout or porter categories, this forges a new path in mixing coffee flavor with a Belgian amber ale. It pours a copper color with just a small amount of head and carbonation. On the initial sip there is a huge amount of coffee flavor with the bitterness balanced by a caramel sweetness and fruity Belgian style. Mouthfeel is creamy, and the coffee flavors are supported by a nutty and robust malt backbone.


jhmiller's Photo
jhmiller Apr 8, 2016 at 7:05PM
In my opinion one of the best coffee beers out there. The color in the images above is spot on. A reddish copper color and much lighter SRM (probably in the 16-20 range) than most coffee beers. Great coffee flavor, but backed up by a roasted, nutty, toffee-like malt, creamy mouthfeel, and some bright fruit flavors. I wish this was available year round.

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