Santa's Private Reserve Ale (2018) - Rogue Ales - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 24th, 2018  
Santa's Private Reserve Ale (2018)


Belgian Ale
Christmas Ale
7.90% ABV - 22 IBU


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Santa's Private Reserve Ale (2018) from Rogue Ales
4.3 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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Santa's Private Reserve Ale pours a reddish, dark amber color. The head is creamy and about a finger thick, tan in color, and seems to last forever. Belgian-style aroma of malt, fruit, yeast, and herbal spice. Taste is malt forward with toasted malt and caramel malt flavors plus some banana-bread notes. Quite fruity, but not your typical Belgian-style flavors aside from the banana. Instead, there's a lot more citrus and berry, in fact, the bottle mentions tangerine and boysenberry, both of which are unique for a Christmas Ale. Any sweetness is reserved, and the spice is noticeable but more in the background. Light to medium body with a well carbonated mouthfeel. Merry Christmas Eve!


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