Pulling Nails Blend #6 - Side Project Brewing - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 21st, 2025  
Pulling Nails Blend #6


American Wild Ale
10.00% ABV


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Pulling Nails Blend #6 from Side Project Brewing
4.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Sour Power Hour
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Pulling Nails pours a dark cola brown with a couple fingers of tan head that calms down to a thin layer over the top of the beer. The aroma is more of malty caramel and a barrel aged porter with yeast. The flavor is sour, but takes you on a journey of cola and dark fruit. We also picked up notes of coffee and caramel, a Belgiany yeast and some alcohol. The sourness builds upon itself and every sip brings a new flavor. The mouthfeel is medium to heavy and the carbonation is also heavy that lends a creamy foamy texture as you swish it in the glass. The alcohol is hidden, but comes out the more it warms up.


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