Noble King Hoppy Farmhouse Ale - Jester King Brewery - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 5th, 2024  
Noble King Hoppy Farmhouse Ale


Farmhouse Ale
5.80% ABV


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Noble King Hoppy Farmhouse Ale from Jester King Brewery
4.2 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Noble King pours a deep gold color with a non-transparent haze. Head is one finger thick, white, and soapy. Aroma is amazing with lots of funk and Brett yeast. Taste is hop-forward for a Farmhouse Ale with a welcomed amount of bitterness along with floral and grassy hop notes. Some acidic lemon citrus that is just slightly sour, but complemented by a white pepper spice. Super dry mouthfeel with medium to high carbonation that finishes crisp and refreshing. This is the 21st batch of Noble King; clearly they have something great going on here. Cheers!


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