Schlafly White Lager - Schlafly Beer (The Saint Louis Brewery) - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 13th, 2016  
Schlafly White Lager


5.50% ABV - 20 IBU


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Schlafly White Lager from Schlafly Beer (The Saint Louis Brewery)
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Thanksgiving Leftovers
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Schlafly White Lager pours a light yellow color. It is initially clear but gets more cloudy from the bottom of the bottle. There is a very slight white head that quickly becomes a thin film on the top of the beer. The aroma consists of German yeast, a little sugar sweetness and a champagne like quality caused by the effervescence. The flavor consists of roasted sweet corn and a tiny hint of melon and banana fruits. This gives it more sweetness than your standard American lager, and a creamy mouthfeel makes this a highly drinkable and enjoyable beer.


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