Logsdon Lager - Logsdon Farmhouse Ales - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 13th, 2020  
Logsdon Lager


5.30% ABV


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Logsdon Lager from Logsdon Farmhouse Ales
5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Logsdon Lager is a German-style Pilsner that pours a golden straw color and is crystal clear. The head is white and frothy with streams of bubbles. Aroma of grain and a touch of hops. Taste follows the nose, with fantastic Pilsner malt flavors of cereal grain and biscuits. Soft and delicate, with minimal sweetness. Hops are light, of course, but there is a slightly spicy, herbal bite. Nicely carbonated, with a crisp, dry, refreshing mouthfeel. One of the best “craft Lagers” we’ve ever had.


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