What did you think of it? Never Tried It
Crush Cucumber Sour is one of the most refreshing and easy drinking beers we've ever come across. It pours slightly hazy, light yellow with some green color to it. The head is thin and recedes quickly. Even the aroma is light and appealing, much like the cucumber water you can find at a spa. That continues into the taste, with herbal and earthy hops but a cucumber presence that makes it incredibly drinkable. There's some slight sourness too, and it reminds us of eating a Warhead. But we wouldn't call this a sour beer. More like the tartness you get from a green apple, there's enough sour taste where you might think of this as a gateway to the sour beer category. Light bodied and crisp with just a bit of sourness, it would be easy to drink a ton of these very quickly.
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