Brewery Ommegang Brut IPA - Brewery Ommegang - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 21st, 2019  
Brewery Ommegang Brut IPA


Brut IPA
6.30% ABV - 42 IBU


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Brewery Ommegang Brut IPA from Brewery Ommegang
3.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Color is semi-transparent, yellow straw with a thick, frothy white head. Lots of visible carbonation bubbles. Aroma is what we'd expect from this brewery: floral and herbal hoppiness along with Belgian-yeast like a farmhouse ale. Taste is bright, with lemon, grapefruit, pine, white grape, and a bit of tropical fruit. Hoppy flavors, but there are some Saison similarities as well. And you definitely notice the pilsner malt with its soft and delicate flavor. Fizzy and effervescent with seltzer-like carbonation. This doesn't seem like your traditional Brut IPA (if there is one yet), but the Belgian-style twist makes this one of the more unique ones out there.


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