Brasserie Des Rocs Brune - Brasserie des Rocs - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 22nd, 2017  
Brasserie Des Rocs Brune


Belgian Strong
9.00% ABV



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Brasserie Des Rocs Brune from Brasserie des Rocs
4.7 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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Pours a dark hazy brown with one finger of off-white head that lingers indefinitely. The aroma is fairly standard for a Belgian strong with lots of bread, malts, spices, some caramel and some yeast. It's fairly heavy and full bodied with medium carbonation. The taste is dominated by dark fruits and fig, notes of banana, toffee, and yeast are in the background. It's semi sweet but not balanced necessarily, although the yeast character finishes it on the dry side.


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