Blood Of The Unicorn - Pipeworks Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 25th, 2024  
Blood Of The Unicorn


Red Ale
6.50% ABV


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Blood Of The Unicorn from Pipeworks Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Blood of the Unicorn pours a dark reddish amber color with a good finger of off-white, foamy head. Big, malty aroma – this smells exactly how it looks. Likewise, the taste has flavors of dark bread, especially rye and pumpernickel. The bready flavors are complemented by a brown sugar sweetness. But it’s not a sweet beer – this is really malt-forward, until the hops take over. There’s a fantastic balance as the hops slide in and transform this beer with a refreshing bitterness. Earthy, woody, resinous hop flavors. Mouthfeel is crisp with a medium body. Nicely done, Pipeworks!


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