Ninja vs. Unicorn - Pipeworks Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 20th, 2017  
Ninja vs. Unicorn


Double/Imperial IPA
8.00% ABV


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Ninja vs. Unicorn from Pipeworks Brewing Company
4.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Midwest Trip Part 2
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Ninja vs. Unicorn pours a light yellow golden color, partly cloudy, with a finger or two of foamy head. It has a fresh and strong sticky hop aroma with intense malt sweetness. The flavor balances tropical hop flavors up front, with a melon fruit sweetness and a little bit of hoppy bitterness. Plenty of citrus flavors as well, with both tangerine and grapefruit taking center stage. The malt profile is sweet bread and caramel, a little reminiscent of creme brulee. There is no booze kick for a beer at 8% ABV and the creamy but dry mouthfeel makes this one go down incredibly smooth.


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