559 RFA (Raisin Farmer Ale) - W Brewing - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  May 28th, 2016  
559 RFA (Raisin Farmer Ale)


Red Ale
Strange Brew
7.00% ABV


What did you think of it? Never Tried It
559 RFA (Raisin Farmer Ale) from W Brewing
1.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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RFA is unlike anything we've ever tasted before. The official description characterizes it as malty, but that doesn't quite paint the full picture. The color is a reddish brown, very cloudy appearance, and it has a thick, coarse white head that goes away pretty quickly. The aroma is hard to pin down but smells of slight funk, dried fruits, and maybe some fig. It appears to be very carbonated but you don't get a lot on the tongue and the mouthfeel is surprisingly heavy. On the flavor, it's got more funk than the late 70's. It is mildly sweet with a maltiness that is nearly undetectable underneath the other flavors. There's an acidic, abrasive finish that negates everything but the sour. One thing is for certain, this is a strange brew!


Sangerpd24's Photo
Sangerpd24 May 28, 2016 at 6:21PM
You guys were being kind!

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