Beer Camp Across America - Moxee-Moron - Sierra Nevada Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  May 27th, 2016  
Beer Camp Across America - Moxee-Moron


Double/Imperial IPA
Session IPA
7.50% ABV


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Beer Camp Across America - Moxee-Moron from Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
4.3 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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This "Moxee-Moron" is a unique twist on an Imperial Session IPA. Found in Sierra Nevada's Beer Camp series, you will have to act fast to enjoy this creative collaboration. "Moxee" pours a golden blonde color with a hint of red. No intense aromas come off the glass. You mostly smell hints of malts and a slight citrus and papaya. Strong carbonation provides a tingling bitterness that is pleasant and enjoyable. Ironically, there is nothing "Session" about this 7.5% IPA. It has a ton of upfront tropical and citrusy bitterness that is is supplemented by a smack of caramel malty sweetness. The sweetness ends quickly and is surpassed by the long lasting hoppiness. The strong carbonation and sweetness adds for a creamy mouth feel. If you are looking for a light bodied drink all day "imperial session IPA", then look elsewhere (if one can be found). Sierra Nevada's collaboration with 5 other breweries, allowed for not only a witty label, but an impressive beer.


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