5 Hop Black IPA - Rogue Ales - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 11th, 2022  
5 Hop Black IPA


Black IPA
5.55% ABV


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5 Hop Black IPA from Rogue Ales
3.3 out of 5 based on 6 ratings.
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5 Hop pours blacker than a stout with a gigantic tan head that takes a while to calm down. The aroma is pretty robustly hoppy, predominantly a piney bitter smell. The first couple sips are mouth punches, with strong citrus and pine hoppiness that seem to compete with each other. The bitterness is almost chewable and the finish is rounded out by a burned malt characteristic that lingers. It's medium bodied and is smooth like a stout, and a unique brew for all the hop heads looking for something a little different. It's impressive and clever they managed to get the ABV in right at 5.55%.


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