Witchfinder - Holy Mountain Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Feb 28th, 2023  


6.10% ABV


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Witchfinder from Holy Mountain Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Witchfinder pours a color that falls between deep gold and pale amber and is very effervescent. White, bubbly head with high carbonation apparent as soon as you open the bottle. Barnyard funk aroma that immediately tells you this is a saison, and one of high quality. Taste is perfectly dry with some fruit esters of apricot, pear, and lemon, and some herbal hop notes. A bit of spice - maybe cloves and black pepper? Woody, oak flavors provide a smoothness and complexity. Plus the wheat and pilsner malt create a soft, dry, cracker-like texture. This is conditioned with Brettanomyces, but the Brett flavors are fairly muted in the taste. Some funk, of course, but there are more herbal and spice flavors than anything else. Medium body, slightly bitter yet crisp and refreshing in the finish. Really outstanding saison and true to style with a complexity allowing lots to talk about.


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