Well Earned Pilsner - The Bronx Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 20th, 2024  
Well Earned Pilsner


5.40% ABV - 27 IBU


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Well Earned Pilsner from The Bronx Brewery
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a clear, golden straw color with a thin white head that dissipates quickly but with a lot of lacing left on the glass. Aroma of pilsner malt and grassy hops. Taste is incredibly smooth with cereal-like malt along with a generous amount of citrus, floral, and grassy hops. Well balanced with a much higher amount of hops than a macro pilsner. There's a bit of a white pepper spice, but then honey sweetness kicks in. Light bodied with a creamy but dry mouthfeel and medium carbonation. Finishes crisp and refreshing, perfectly crafted for this style.


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