Welcome to LA - Firestone Walker Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 26th, 2021  
Welcome to LA


5.20% ABV


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Welcome to LA from Firestone Walker Brewing Company
2.8 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: California Golden Beers
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Welcome to LA commemorates the opening of Firestone's Taproom in Marina Del Ray. This beer attempts to meld qualities of two of the most popular beer styles: the drink-ability and low-ABV of the lager with the hops and flavor of the IPA. Welcome to LA does a pretty good job of that. It pours a pale golden color with a slim white head and an abundance of carbonation. The aroma pairs pine and citrus hops with a smooth bready malt quality. The flavor features a cracker-like malt base with some spicy English-like hops in the aftertaste. The "hoppy lager" is a style of beer which started to show some prominence a few years ago and then seemed to die down a bit. But there are so many good qualities to this beer, it would definitely be nice to see more of this style of beer in the future.


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